Please Read. By signing up for this workshop, you are also opting into my email list. By opting into my email list, this is how I send you email reminders before the live workshop + how I send you the replay after the workshop. If you choose to remain on my email list after the workshop, Coach Luke and I will typically send you 1-2 emails every one to two weeks. These emails contain free helpful resources such as: Youtube videos, guided audios for your athlete, powerful tools we're using in our paid programs, and pro tips to overcome the issues that we see student athletes struggling with most. We will occasionally share about opportunities to work more closely with us too. If our emails do not resonate and bring you tremendous value, then you are welcome to unsubscribe at any time. I guarantee not to spam you or pass your information on. Thank you.
To read testimonials from parents & athletes who have worked with us go here.
Turning Performance Anxiety Into High Performance: How Parents Can Help Their Kids Develop High Performance Self Talk
This workshop may be a good fit for you and your athlete(s) if:
You want a deeper understanding of what may be driving your child's performance anxiety and how to help them overcome it.
You have an athlete that is currently struggling with performance anxiety and/or you have an athlete that struggled with performance anxiety in the past.
You want to proactively offer your kids a space to develop the mindset to overcome performance anxiety if/when they come up against it in the future.
You and your student-athletes will learn the following:
How parents contribute to their child's self-talk, and how to avoid the key areas that create negative/low-performance self-talk in your child.
The difference between low-performance VS high performance.
How your child can quickly develop high-performance self-talk that will serve them in their sport, school, and beyond.
And more! Come live and you'll have the opportunity to get your questions answered and be coached live to more powerfully help your athlete with their self talk.
What to expect on the workshop?
This workshop is part of a larger workshop series that Coach Jen and Coach Luke will be offering to parents and players in 2023.
At the start of each of these workshops Jen & Luke will dive into a specific topic that contributes to Performance Anxiety.
Then for the second segment of the workshop, they will transition into live coaching of the parents & athletes on the call to help them overcome performance anxiety and related topics. Be sure to bring questions to get the most out of it!
This is an experiential workshop where you (the parent) will be working with your student athlete on the call. This is best done through a laptop or home computer.
At some point during the workshop will share about our private 1-1 coaching for ~2 minutes. We do this so that interested parents know how they could have their athletes work more closely with us.
I can't attend live. Will you send a replay? If you can't attend live we recommend that you register for the workshop because a replay will be emailed to you after the live event. You will have ~2 weeks to watch the replay before it expires.
Who is invited to the workshop? Both parents of student-athletes & their kids.
How long is the workshop? 60 minutes + Q&A.
Where is the workshop located? Zoom. A zoom link will be emailed to you after successful registration. If you don't see that email please thoroughly check junk/spam folders.
I registered and can't locate my confirmation email. Please thoroughly check junk/spam folders. If you still can't find it email Jen at
Who are the creators of this workshop? Jen Hoy and Luke Bunder. Jen is a 7-year pro soccer player, Princeton grad and Certified Integrative Health Practitioner with experience playing with the U-23 Women's National Team. Luke is a retired pro boxer certified in Neuro Linguistic Programming, Time Line Therapy™, Integrative Nutrition Health Coaching (IIN) and is currently studying Neuro Semantics and positive psychology.